
Server side rendering

Radix Primitives can be rendered on the server. However, Primitives in React versions less than 18 rely on hydration for ids.


Server side rendering or SSR, is a technique used to render components to HTML on the server, as opposed to rendering them only on the client.

Static rendering is another similar approach. Instead it pre-renders pages to HTML at build time rather than on each request.

You should be able to use all of our primitives with both approaches, for example with Next.js or Gatsby.


Primitives in React versions less than 18 rely on hydration for ids (used in aria attributes) to avoid server/client mismatch errors.

In other words, the equivalent of Time to Interactive for screen reader users will depend on the download speed of the JS bundle. If you'd like to generate ids server-side to improve this experience, we suggest upgrading to React 18.